Ratio Talks
Derek Bardowell is Giving Back

Derek Bardowell is Giving Back

Relational social policy seeks an optimal balance between two powerful forces, a big civil society and a small state. The ideas are summarised in this paper and this podcast

For the next month or so the substack and podcast series focuses on the implications of a relational social policy for philanthropy.

Derek Bardowell, CEO of 10 Years Time, starts the conversation with a reflection on his most recent book Giving Back, a personal memoir of the limitations of orthodox philanthropy, and a treatise on how to release its potential. 

At the end of the episode, Pritpal S. Tamber, Ratio Talks resident critic, gives his reflections.

Show Notes

In their conversation, Michael, Derek and Pritpal refer to:

  • Felton Earls and Maya Carlson’s book Voice, Choice and Acton: The Potential of Young Citizens to Heal Democracy, Harvard University Press

  • Thomas Piketty’s book Capital in the Twenty-First Century, Harvard University Press

  • Matthew Desmond’s ground breaking article in the American Journal of Sociology in March 2012 Disposable Ties and the Urban Poor. This is the focus of next week’s contribution to the Relational Social Policy Substack

  • Angela Glover Maxwell’s article How We Achieve a Multiracial Democracy was published in the Spring 2023 edition of the Stanford Social Innovation Review

  • Susan Wolf Ditkoff and Abe Grindle’s article Audacious Philanthropy was published in the Harvard Business Review in October 2017, and is the focus of a future article on the


  • One of many obituaries to Chuck Feeney, who coined the phrase ‘giving while living’ is available on the Atlantic Philanthropies website

  • The conversation with Katherine Zappone about the path to liberation and social change is available here 

  • As is the conversation with Tony Iton about how communities in California are pursuing health equity through structural change

  • Peter Townsend’s seminal book Poverty in the United Kingdom was published in 1979.

The conversation between Michael and Pritpal reflects their views.

Subscribe to Ratio’s Newsletter here and find out more about Pritpal S Tamber’s work here.

Ratio Talks is available on Substack and on Apple Podcasts.

Get in touch with us any time by sending an email to hello@ratio.org.uk.

Ratio Talks is produced with the help of sound designer Nik Paget-Tomlinson and creative director Richard De Angelis. The show’s theme song is by Luca Picardi.

Ratio Talks
Ratio Talks is a podcast focusing on relationships, health and public policy. Past series covered community power and coping with the pandemic. The current series is focused on the potential for a relational social policy.
It is hosted by Michael Little, a co-founder of Ratio.